Who we are?

Just another box manufacturing company. Period!

However, we live up to our name, ‘Unique Packaging’, every step of the way and that is how we manage to ‘box-out’ some of our friends who try to bag our deals. We manufacture all kinds of boxes from the standard corrugated varieties to extremely creative ones. Bottom line, our boxes can be customised to store and ship anything and everything. From the most delicate to the hardiest of all, we are always good to go!

Where it all began?

We don’t need to rewind centuries back.

What if our grandfathers did a great job and we don’t? So, let’s cut to us. We are simply a second-generation company and we began our operations in the year 1985. Our success is not measured by the decades behind us but by the multitude of clients that we have collaborated with so far. In spite of being an Indian company, we have literally globetrotted tending to customers worldwide by keeping their products in ‘safe hands’ or boxes to be precise.

Our Clients